Digital Forensics
The Why, What, and How it happened, identify the root cause with our digital forensic program!
What is Digital Forensics?
Digital Forensics mark the process that gathers, preserves, and analyses digital evidence related to security incidents. The main objective of digital forensics investigators is to help businesses with systemic evidence assemblage and analysis to detect the critical attributes about why and how they get compromised.
Digital forensics is a vital part of an incident response strategy. Thus, it must get addressed by the organization through its budgets, personnel, policies, and procedures. It is not hyperbole to say- recognizing and mitigating these risks is crucial to a business’s reality.

Identify an event from indicators and define its type. It is significant as it affects other steps.
Formulate tools, search warrants, obtain management support, and monitor authorizations.
Secure and preserve the state of physical and digital evidence so that it is admissible in the court of law
Collect the physical act and identical digital evidence using standardized and accepted procedures
Determine significance, restructure data fragments and draw inferences based on evidence originated. The process might take several duplications and analysis to support a crime theory.
Summarize and offer a report of conclusions. Ensure physical and digital assets get returned to the appropriate owner. Also, define how and what criminal evidence must get removed.
Cyber Forensics Services
Our expert forensic team can set up and conduct a full-forensic analysis in order to assist with the key points to prove the investigation. The processs may include keyword searches, examination of internet artefacts (including history, bookmarks, messaging and social media) and analysis of electronic document files (including Microsoft Office documents).Digital Forensic Investigation Strategy
At ValueMentor, we understand the complexities of protecting electronic data of businesses. When the requirement meets an established cyber security strategy, it is an assurance that company digital assets and data goes protected.
Forensic Analysis
Our expert forensic team help you describe the detailed process of detecting, investigating, and documenting the cause, method, and outcomes of a security incident or violation against concerned laws. It involves developing policies and procedures, assessing the evidence, acquiring the evidence, examining the evdience, documenting and reporting.
Forensic Analysis – Specifics
- Network Forensics
- Memory Forensics
- Email Forensics
- Malware Analysis
- Mobile Phone Forensic Analysis
Why Deverra For Digital Forensics?
- Best-in-class digital forensic service provider
- Access to industry-proven tools and use of advanced techniques
- Provides advanced remote data acquisition and investigations
- High speed and efficient analysis wing
Would you like to speak to a security analyst?
We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.